The reason for early persons
to cultivate cereals was not for food, but for an alcoholic beverage. That was maybe
the simplest and first form of beer. Little has changed centuries later. Beer
still remains a trend for men. This caused beverage was and still is put in a
very high position. It is believed that Ninkasi, the Sumerian idol of beer, was
given the controls to ‘satiate the desire’ of man and Gambrinus, its patron
saint. Now, which other beverage or food can boast of a goddess and a fan
saint? Another exciting fact about beer is that it is the third most consumed
drink after water and tea. Formed throughout the world, except in certain
countries, it is very easy and reasonable to prepare at home as well. A mixture
of the right amounts of malt, yeast, and temperature and voila, you have a energizing
drink in your hand. What can be beat a glass of cool beer on a hot summer day?
Perhaps two glasses of cool beer, or more. So, if you would like to try a hand
in preparing your own beer, go through the outlines that follow.
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.